Step One :

In this step we are going to prepare everything for the dissasembly of the battery.

Every Step has a color, if its WHITE, it's neccessary to do this and if its ORANGE, it's optional, but highly recommended since it improves the quality of the end result .

1.0 setting up the workspace

You are working with real, partially dangerous chemicals here that need to be handled as safely and clean as possible.

Batteries are highly dangerous if handled incorrectly. They can literally expload and catch fire once a short occurs. One way to minimize the risk is to completly dischange the battery

To do this safely, we need to have a big even working place thats clean and NOT ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE

This means: no aluminum foil, plates, cups, ... or anything metal used to store things is completly dangerous in combination with a battery! Plastic, glass, paper and wood are your alternatives, they should be used at any cost